All awards are presented at the SVP annual meeting.
Non-discrimination Statement: SVP operates a non-discrimination policy. This policy applies to the awards process, meaning that the awards process does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, national origin, age, religion, creed, disability, veteran's status, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression in any of its activities or operations. Applications and nominations will be assessed on merit according to the criteria, aims and objectives set for each award or medal with due consideration of absence due to parental leave, illness or other career breaks.
Non-discrimination Policy: The society does not and shall not discriminate on the bases of race, color, gender, national origin, age, religion, creed, disability, veteran's status, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression in any of its activities or operations. These activities include, but are not limited to, approval of membership, hiring and firing of staff, selection of volunteers and vendors, and provision of services. We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members. Members are expected to uphold the society's value of non-discrimination in conference spaces. Harassment should be reported as outlined in Section 7.16 of the society handbook.
Click here to see the 2025 Award Amounts
Click here to view a listing of past award winners and grant recipients
Carroll Award | Outstanding scholarly excellence in Vertebrate Paleontology by an early- to mid-career researcher. |
Cohen Award | To foster excellent student research in the study of vertebrate paleontology. |
Colbert Prize | Best student poster. |
Dawson Grant | To promote professional careers in vertebrate paleontology. |
Estes Memorial Grant | Graduate research in non-mammalian paleontology. |
Field Training Award | Supports students, early career paleontologists and others in vertebrate paleontology-related positions who can demonstrate a need for field training and the benefits of field training to their professional development. |
Graff Award | To enable scientists from economically developing nations to present research at the SVP Annual Meeting. |
Gregory Award | Outstanding service to the welfare of the Society. |
Hix Preparators' Grant | To advance preparation and preparators. |
Honorary Membership Award | Distinguished contribution to the field of vertebrate paleontology. |
Jackson School of Geosciences Travel Grant | To encourage student participation in the SVP Annual Meeting. |
Lanzendorf-National Geographic PaleoArt Prize | Outstanding achievement in paleontological illustration and art. |
Lindsay Award | To fund field or laboratory research (broadly construed) into the study of fossil mammals and their evolution. |
Patterson Memorial Grant | Student fieldwork in vertebrate paleontology. |
Romer Prize | Best student presentation at the SVP Annual Meeting. |
Romer-Simpson Medal | Lifetime achievement in the field of vertebrate paleontology. |
Skinner Award | Contributions to science through supporting the collection of vertebrate fossils. |
SVP Futures Award | To support summer undergraduate research projects in vertebrate paleontology by students who identify as members of underrepresented groups. |
Taylor and Francis Award | Best student article in the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. |
Wood Award | To support student research that involves museum and university vertebrate fossil and/or natural history collections. |