Preparators’ PDFs

Caenagnathid theropod metatarsals, photo credit: Thomas Holtz

A variety of PDFs for preparators are listed here.  All contributions are made by SVP members.  View and download Preparators' session and poster presentations from past SVP annual meetings, how-to guides and Materials & Methods FAQs, and other references from meetings and publications beyond SVP.  You can submit your past presentation(s) anytime.  Please consider making your presentation(s) available online.

Preparators' Symposia & Session Presentations from Past Meetings

Presentations are divided into categories used in the Bibliography of Fossil Preparation and Collection Care.

Adhesives, consolidants, fill materials
Acid preparation, chemical techniques
Conservation and preservation
Collecting and field techniques
Molding and casting
Museology [collections, storage, documentation, environmental control, shipping and handling]
Exhibits, mounting, reconstructions
Pyrite, salts, mineral problems, radioactivity


Monica M. Bugbee and William J Wilkins, The Mammoth Site of Hot Springs, SD, Hot Springs, SD. 2018

Trine Sørensen, Museum of Southern Jutland, Gram, Denmark. 2014

Amy Davidson, American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY. 2008

Jean-Pierre Cavigelli, Tate Museum, Casper, WY. 2007

Gary Jackson, Cleveland Museum of Natural History, OH. 2007

Donald De Blieux, Salt Lake City, UT; James Kirkland, Utah Geological Survey, Salt Lake City, UT; Alan Titus, Bureau of Land Management, Kanab, UT. 2006


Adhesives, Consolidants, Fill Materials

Akiko Shinya, Constance J. Van Beek, Peter Makovicky, The Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, IL. 2019

Suzann Goldberg and Amy Davidson, American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY. 2014

Amy Davidson, American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY. 2009

Shawn Haugrud and Brian Compton, East Tennessee Museum of Natural History, Gray, TN. 2008


Acid Preparation, Chemical Techniques

Carlos Padilla and Mary Parra, Fundacion Colombiana de Geobiologia, Bogota, Colombia. 2009

Christina Maywin, Joseph Groenke, and Doug Boyer, Department of Anatomical Sciences, Stony Brook University, Story Brook, NY and Jonathan Bloch, Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL . 2004


Conservation and Preservation

William J Wilkins, Monica Bugbee and Elizabeth Storms, The Mammoth Site of Hot Springs, SD, Inc., Hot Springs, SD. 2018

Vicen Carrio, Geological Conservator/Preparator, Edinburgh, United Kingdom; Silvia Da Rocha and Nicholas Fraser, National Museums Scotland, Edinburgh, United Kingdom. 2014


Collecting and Field Techniques

Vicen Carrio, National Museums of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland.  2016

Don DeBlieux, Jim Kirkland, and Scott Madsen, Utah Geological Survey, UT. 2013

Marilyn Fox, Faysal Bibi, and Andrew Hill, Yale University, New Haven, CT. 2008


Molding and Casting

Michael Cherney, William Sanders, Philip Gingerich, and Iyad Zalmout, University of Michigan Museum of Paleontology, Ann Arbor, MI, USA; Mohamed Antar, Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency, Wadi-Al-Hitan World Heritage Site, Fayum, Egypt. 2009

William Sanders, John Graff, Iyad Zalmout, Munir Ul-Haq, and Philip Gingerich, University of Michigan Museum of Paleontology, Ann Arbor, MI. 2008

Amber Heard, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI; John Graf, William Sanders, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. 2007

Jeff Person, Charles Baker, Oklahoma Museum of Natural History, Norman, OK. 2007

Gregory Brown, University of Nebraska State Museum, Lincoln, NE. 2005

Amy Davidson and Lisa Kronthal, American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY; Rachael Perkins Arenstein, Conservator in Private Practice, New York, NY. 2004


Museology [Collections, Storage, Documentation, Environmental Control, Shipping, and Handling]

Michael Stache, Alexander Hastings, and Meinolf Hellmund, Martin-Luther-Universität Hall-Wittenberg, Halle (Saale), Germany. 2014

Matthew Smith, Kimberly, OR. 2007

Amy Davidson, Samantha Alderson, American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY; Marilyn Fox, Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History, New Haven, CT. 2006

ReBecca Hunt, Augustana College, Rock Island, IL. 2006

Steve J. Jabo, Peter A. Kroehler, and F. V. Grady, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC. 2005

Rachel Benton, Badlands National Park; Ann Elder, Dinosaur National Monument. 2005

Marilyn Fox and Vicki Yarborough Fitzgerald, Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History, New Haven, CT. 2004


Exhibits, Mounting, Reconstructions

Sue Beardmore and Janet Trythall, Elgin Museum, Elgin, United Kingdom. 2014

Robert Evander, American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY. 2009


Pyrite, Salts, Mineral Problems, Radioactivity

Akiko Shinya, Lisa Bergwall, The Field Museum, Chicago, IL. 2007



Michelle Pinsdorf, Steve Jabo, Abby Telfer, Peter Kroehler, Amanda Millhouse, and Matthew Miller, Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC, United States of America. 2014


Preparators' Workshops from Past Meetings

Joanne Wilkinson, Queensland Museum, Brisbane, Australia. 2019

  • Fossil Preparation, Conservation, Replication and Storage Techniques
    (If SVP members wish to obtain a free copy of the 2019 SVP Workshop notes provided to participants as part of the Fossil Preparation, Conservation, Replication and Storage Techniques workshop, please contact the Queensland Museum Geosciences staff.)

Erin Fitzgerald, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL. 2017

  • Photography and Photoshop 101, Digital imaging techniques and post processing basics for specimen data capture (Photography 101 and Photoshop 101)


How-To Guides and Materials & Methods FAQs

Don DeBlieux, Jim Kirkland, and Scott Madsen, Utah Geological Survey, UT. 2013

Ian Morrison, Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Canada. 2007

Preparators' Committee


References Beyond SVP

Peter K Reser, Paleo-Tech, Albuquerque, NM, and Scott Williams, Petrified National Forest, AZ. 2009

Thomas C. Nolan, Robert L. Atkingson, and Bryan Small. 2008. Presented at the First Annual Fossil Preparation and Collections Symposium.

Carrió, V. and Stevenson, S.  From a presentation during the NOOX3 (a conference on anoxic and reduced oxygen environments hosted by the British Library and the Natural History Museum), London, 2003

Carrió, V. and S. Stevenson; pp. 32-38 in J. Townsend, K. Eremin, and A. Adriaens (eds.), Conservation Science 2002: Papers from the Conference Held in Edinburgh, Scotland, 22-24 May 2002.  Archetype, London. 2003.

Stevenson, S. and Carrió, V. From a presentation during the 11th Symposium of Palaeontological Preparation and Conservation (SPPC), Cambridge, 2002.

Richard L. Cifelli (ed.) Oklahoma Geological Survey Special Publication 96-4. P.1-36. 1996

This PDF includes two articles:

      • Cifelli, R. L. ; Madsen, S. K.; and Larson, E. M. 1996. Screenwashing and associated recovery techniques for the recovery of microvertebrate fossils, in Cifelli, R. L. (ed.), Techniques for recovery and preparation of microvertebrate fossils: Oklahoma Geological Survey Special Publication 96-4 P.1-24.
      • Madsen, S. K. 1996. Some techniques and procedures for microvertebrate preparation, in Cifelli, R. L. (ed.), Techniques for recovery and preparation of microvertebrate fossils: Oklahoma Geological Survey Special Publication 96-4 P.25-36.

Anne S. Elder, Cathy Wenz, and Scott Madsen. 1998. In J. Martin, J. Hoganson, and R. Benton (eds.), Proceedings for the Fifth conference on Fossil Resources, 5:141-143.