Taylor & Francis Award

Theropod trackway, Red Gulch Dinosaur Tracksite, Wyoming, photo credit: Thomas Holtz

© Michael Skrepnick

An annual award funded by Taylor & Francis, publisher of the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. The selection is handled by the Taylor & Francis Best Student Paper review panel. It is awarded to the best student first-authored paper published in JVP.


  • Current membership in SVP is required. If you have not joined or renewed your membership for the current calendar year, please do so before submitting your award application.  
  • The student must be the first author on the paper.
  • The manuscript must have been initially submitted no more than 6 months after degree is awarded and he reported research need not be restricted to the student's thesis work.
  • The contribution of each author to the paper must be declared in writing. This could be at time of submission or requested subsequently, if the paper is nominated by the editors for consideration.
  • The award made in any one calendar year shall be based on papers published in the JVP during the previous calendar year (papers in 'early view' are not eligible; they may be considered in the year they are published in print in the JVP).
  • Award Criteria: Quality and originality of research, importance to immediate community (e.g. fish, mammal, dinosaur workers), importance to broader vertebrate paleontology community, potential interest to the wider community in terms of public engagement as judged by the plain language/non-specialist paragraph written by the student first author to aid press releases and potential for paper to generate future research.  


Please use the submission system for submitting papers to JVP. A student first author shall declare during submission that the work qualifies for consideration for the JVP Best Student Paper Award by checking the appropriate box. 

Applications for the 2025 Taylor & Francis Award are now being accepted. The submission deadline is April 1, 2025, at 11:59 pm ET.


Alan Turner, Chair, Taylor & Francis Award Panel

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