Bryan Patterson Memorial Grant

Theropod trackway, Red Gulch Dinosaur Tracksite, Wyoming, photo credit: Thomas Holtz

© Michael Skrepnick

The purpose of this award, named in honor of Dr. Bryan Patterson, is to support student field work in Vertebrate Paleontology. Particular consideration is given to proposals for field work that are innovative rather than routine, venturesome rather than predictable, unusual rather than run-of-the-mill.


  • Current membership in SVP is required for both the applicant and their sponsor. If you have not joined or renewed your membership for the current calendar year, please do so before submitting your grant application.  
  • Both undergraduate and graduate students are eligible to apply.
  • Students applying for the Patterson Grant are not eligible to also apply for the Estes Grant, Dawson Grant, Wood Award, or Lindsay Award in the same calendar year.


Submit applications during the annual application period via the SVP online system. You will be asked to provide the following:  

  • Written statement of how the award would contribute to the success of the work (3000-character limit, includes ALL characters (letters, numbers, special hidden characters, spaces). 
  • Budget for the project covering major categories and detailing how the prize would be utilized. 
  • Title and description of the project (3000-character limit, includes ALL characters (letters, numbers, special hidden characters, spaces).
  • A recent photo of the applicant and a brief (300-500 word) bio (these will only be used for the SVP Awards Banquet if the applicant receives this award).

Be sure to name all uploaded files with your name and a description (e.g. John Smith Photo).

Applications for the 2025 Patterson Memorial Grant are now being accepted. Click here to access the online application form. The submission deadline is April 1, 2025, at 11:59 pm ET.


Dr. Jorge Velez-Juarbe, Chair, Patterson Memorial Grant Panel

Learn more about Dr. Patterson

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