Call for 2024 Workshop & Field Trip Proposals

Call for 2024 Workshop & Field Trip Proposals

Proposals for Workshops and Field Trips are expected to be in a face-to-face format.

The proposal must not exceed two pages and should include a concise description of the workshop or field trip, including where applicable:

  • Title, date, and time (beginning and ending) of activity.
  • Purpose and intended outcome.
  • Name(s) of organizer(s)/leader(s) and all of their contact information.
  • Venue (if space is being requested for the event, please indicate this and the requirements). NOTE: SVP will provide meeting space complimentary if it is available per the current venue contract. Any additional requested space resulting in extra rental fees must be covered by registration fees.
  • A detailed budget for the Workshop or Field Trip. The budget must cover ALL expenses as SVP will NOT absorb any shortfalls. Please include all items such as AV, internet, transportation, admission fees, supplies, and materials. These items are reimbursable up to the maximum of collected registration fees for the Workshop or Field Trip. You may not request reimbursement for your time.
  • Transportation: (if applicable) on own or provided? If provided: where is/are the exact pick up/drop off point(s). NOTE: rented transportation must secure insurance through the rental company at an amount and level of coverage required by applicable state law. A copy of the insurance certificate must be included with the proposal. If transportation is provided by a leader or other participant, proof of insurance must be provided to the business office at least 120 days prior to the date of the trip. SVP is not liable for any loss, injury, or damage resulting from field trip or workshop participation.
  • Cost per person and include an additional $5 per person to cover credit card and administrative costs. These costs should consider all the Expenses you plan to submit for reimbursement. NOTE: Leaders will be reimbursed the expenses incurred by running the field trip or workshop, including admission fees, transportation, AV, internet, supplies/materials, any included meals, up to the maximum amount of registration fees collected minus the $5 per person administrative fee. Field trip and workshop leaders should send completed reimbursement forms and receipts to the business office after the meeting. Excess revenue generated from registration fees will not be returned to attendees or provided to leaders. Excess funds, if any, remain with SVP and are utilized to support the annual meeting.
  • Minimum and maximum number of attendees. Please let us know if the maximum and minimum number of attendees is to include the leaders or not, as we must adjust the online registration system accordingly.

Advertisement copy for the 2023 SVP website is required with the proposal and must include:

  • Title, date, and time (beginning and ending) of activity.
  • Purpose and intended outcome.
  • Venue (if known at the time of the proposal).
  • Recommended clothing or items to bring (if applicable).
  • Materials provided.
  • Name(s) of organizer(s)/leader(s) and all of their contact information.
  • Cost per person.
  • Minimum and maximum number of participants.

Please send all proposals to SVP at The deadline for proposal submission for Workshops and Field Trips is February 20th, 2024.