This award, named in honor of Marvin and Beth Hix, is intended to further the Field of vertebrate paleontology through the advancement of fossil preparation.
- Current membership in SVP is required. If you have not joined or renewed your membership for the current calendar year, please do so before submitting your grant application.
- Preference will be given to proposals for training apprenticeships and workshops – primarily travel expenses to learn or teach preparation.
- Committee will consider any proposal which furthers the field of vertebrate paleontology through the advancement of preparation.
Submit applications during the annual application period via the SVP online system. You will be asked to provide the following:
- Total budget requested from SVP with travel, living, supply and additional expenses outlined. Include information about other funding you are receiving. Clearly define how the prize will be utilized.
- Project description: Include goals, objectives, relevant logistics and timetable. Needs to be a three-page, double spaced document.
- Three letters of support (with full contact information for the person providing the letter (name, institution, phone and e-mail address). These should be emailed to the SVP Business Office by the supporters (not submitted with the application form) as per the instructions indicated in the online application form.
- Curriculum Vitae, including preparation and training experience.
- Additional project personnel contact information and Curriculum Vitae.
- A recent photo of the applicant and a brief (300-500 word) bio (these will only be used for the SVP Awards Banquet if the applicant receives this award).
- If application is for preparation training, a letter of support from the trainer and one from the trainer's supervisor must be provided.
Be sure to name all uploaded files with your name and a description (e.g. John Smith Photo).
Applications for the 2025 Hix Preparators’ Grant are now being accepted. Click here to access the online application form. The submission deadline is April 1, 2025, at 11:59 pm ET.
Kenneth Bader, Chair, Hix Preparators' Grant Panel